Finally, Just Jack a.k.a. Jack Allsopp, is getting some long-deserved recognition. There are, after all, strong similarities between Just Jack and The Streets’ Mike Skinner. Both artists have an ultra-laid-back and laconic delivery style, and both are quintessentially English in sound and subject material. Just Jack’s hit single Starz In Their Eyes reached number 2 in the Top 40 charts. A one time pub pot washer, florist, decorator and supermarket shelf stacker with a furniture design degree, Just Jack reckons his current job is his best yet. The 33-year-old has just now released Embers, the first single from his third album All Night Cinema (although everyone having had a go at his current album must admit that Goth In The Disco is by far the most catchy tune…). Just Jack is loads of fun, mature and thoughtful, proving that hip hop need not necessarily be by, for or about kids. Combining the lyrical insight of Mike Skinner with warm, jazzy beats, Just Jack is sure to appeal to fans of both The Streets and Lily Allen.
- Venue: den Atelier
- Where: 54 rue de Hollerich, 1740 Luxembourg
- Doors: 7:00 pm