
April 04, 2003

Sneaker Pimps

at den Atelier Doors: 7:00 pm


Without a doubt, the Sneaker Pimps have been one of the major revelations of last year’s Steelworx festival in Esch/Alzette and the band managed to create a massive fanbase around here since then. The British quartet, with a respectable total of 1.5 million albums sold to date, aims to explore a postmodern axis utterly their own, rather than accommodate anyone else’s neatly defined pigeonholes. Using guitar squall and trip-hop beats as their springboard, the threesome have discovered a shadowy realm somewhere between indie, alternative, dance, sci-fi, and voodoo. Their latest album, Bloodsport, is real killer, filled with unearthly grooves and provocative lyrical twists. The Pimps rule as a live act. Steelworx is all very well, but you shouldn’t miss this terrific band in the intimacy of our club… An evening to spoil yourself!


  • Venue: den Atelier
  • Where: 54 rue de Hollerich, 1740 Luxembourg
  • Doors: 7:00 pm


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